Friday, April 22, 2011

a day of epic proportions

so last week, our family decided to hang out at CityLand Shaw Tower Penthouse again. probably coz some of them didn't get the chance to swim the last time we were there. REASON: the pool felt like the arctic ocean or some other ocean near the poles. LOL. anyway, the view as always was incredible.

 the food... not so great but enough to satisfy our hunger. but what made my day great was when i found out... I CAN SWIM! :))))))))))))
so my brother taught me some things he learned at swimming club about two years ago. but when kuya Jr and ate Syrah showed up at the penthouse with Ellie, that made OUR day even greater. she was like a superstar when they got up and she's just a month old! just imagine the scene when she turns one! :D :"> "Ellie! Picture! Ellie! Picture!"

 Jaira caught a glimpse of Ellie and started yelling. probably coz Ellie's just too cute to be true! :))))))
 i actually have a video of it but i'm too lazy to post it now. =))) anyhoo, after taking pictures of Ellie and pictures with Ellie, the swimming continued. at first, Jillian was too afraid to use the watchamajing but after a lot of convincing from kuya Joel, she finally gave in. she even called herself Mutya - the little mermaid on television.

 the day ended on a high note. everyone - except Mommy Achie and Daddy Pastor who stayed there until dinner - went home happy and fulfilled. :)))))

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